Category - Interiors
Category - Hospitality
Type - Restaurants
Location - Hobart
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Category - Interiors
Category - Hospitality
Type - Restaurants
Location - Hobart
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Year completed
The designers have made small moves to create a playful space that captures and reflects the beachfront light.

Beach vibes: The Salty Dog Hotel

Brustman + Boyde , Pippa Dickson

In Hobart, Brustman + Boyde in collaboration with Pippa Dickson have turned a 1970s beachside motel into a fun and friendly bar and dining space that references Australian coastal vernacular.

Hospitality, Interiors
Garagistes wine and food bar, in Hobart, by Paul Johnston Architects.

Garagistes wine and food bar

This Tasmanian garage converted to a wine and food bar has a rough, stripped-back shell furnished with honest material.

Hospitality, Interiors